Diary entry for December 6, 1908

Dublin Core


Diary entry for December 6, 1908


Dec. 6, 1908

Dolly went to Miss Pope’s studio on 24th St. to pose for her again. She says that Miss P. is having the usual difficulty in painting her and is not satisfied with her work as yet.

Walked as far as 42nd and Broadway. Came back and dropped in at Ullman’s and had a discussion on the votes for women question, which at present is being agitated in England by the “Suffragettes,” and has started in this country. I feel that it would be well to give them votes.

In the evening to Mrs. Preston’s on 9th St. Wandered in the rain all through 10th St. in search of the house. Dolly had gone earlier as I was working on a puzzle. They have the basement and first floor of an old house — very fine — hard wood floors, high ceilings, mirrors, etc. Jim has been painting landscapes and they are surprisingly good. He should stick at it. Henri and Mrs. H, Glack and Mrs., Shinn and Mrs., Mrs. Morgan (Grace Dwight) and Mr. Morgan, Fuhr. Johnston of the World had left before I arrived. Glack insisted on staying late and was very amusing.


John Sloan (American painter, etcher, and illustrator, 1871–1951)


Delaware Art Museum, Gift of Helen Farr Sloan




December 6, 1908


Delaware Art Museum, Helen Farr Sloan Library and Archives


[no text]


John Sloan (American painter, etcher, and illustrator, 1871–1951), “Diary entry for December 6, 1908,” Seeing Suffrage at the Delaware Art Museum, accessed September 7, 2024, https://delartlibrary2.omeka.net/items/show/24.